How to become a safe biker?

How to become a safe biker?

There are so many people who want to become a biker but it takes a lot of guts to get through. When you see your biker friends roaming across the streets in their stunning bikes, you might wish to do the same. Don’t be the one who wants to show off, but be the one who really takes it seriously. This not only makes you feel content but also keeps you safe. There are so many new things to explore when you go for a bike ride. So you need to have proper knowledge about your new bike or modify an old one to make it absolutely accessible.

Visiting automobile stores or searching online can help you find the best bike suits your style and personality. Keep your options open and explore by having your budget and preferences in mind. Never forget to buy the right protective gears when you are opting for bikes. When you are done with the purchase of your dream bike, you might want to become a member of a bikers’ club. Once you join a club or consider riding by yourself only, do not violate the rules and regulations of the street.

Guidelines for beginner bikers

Take notes from the following points to ace at your biking sprees:

  1. Consider your personality

You should first decide how and where you plan to ride and then look for a model. Only after finalizing these two parameters, you can go forward with buying the dream motorbike.

If you are a beginner, you should consider the height and weight of the bike. Do not get yourself a big motorbike, if you feel you will not be very comfortable in controlling its balance. When you are going for a test ride, see if you can comfortably put down both your feet on the ground for stopping it.

If you succeed in doing so, think no more about its purchase. Consider the shape and size of the bike before finalizing your choice.

  1. Fix your budget first

Motorbikes can vary in the prices according to the features and styling. Before you decide on buying a stylish motorbike, think about the investment that you have to make. Do not get carried away seeing the high crafted designs as that increases your expense.

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Choose a bike that is cheap yet a challenging alternative to the expensive ones. Remember that you if you buy a costly bike, the taxes related to it will also be high. So make a logical decision before getting carried away by design and features.

  1. Purchase protective gear

When you decide to buy a motorbike, the first thing you get with it is a helmet. It is important that you consider your safety before anything else.

You may buy a lot of other accessories associated with your bike but never forget about the helmet. When you go looking for a helmet, make sure it fits you well. You should purchase a helmet that provides the maximum protection from any wear and tear.

Other accessories that you should buy are proper riders’ jackets, gloves, and boots.

  1. Get your license first

Learn about the rules and regulations of applying for the license in the place where you live. You are required to have a licensed motorbike as per safety and law.

How to join a bikers’ club?

  1. Choose the club you want to become a member of- you need to shortlist between the two different types of clubs: the riding club and the motorbike club. Think properly about being a member of either of these clubs. There are different types of membership that are offered by these clubs to you:
  • Motorbike clubs- these are social clubs, which value the relationship that you form with your fellow members. You don’t just bond with the people, but also share biking information. If you join this club, you probably make a lifelong commitment or friendship and care. You might need to give regular attendance for various club events.
  • Riding clubs- these are more like the ones which you join just for gaining riding experiences. You get to meet with other fellow riders and go for rides only. You generally do not have to make any strict commitments for being a member of this club.
  1. Choose the club you are interested in- do not just jump into membership for any random club. Check information online on the specific type of club you are looking for, which matches your interests. As you find ‘The One Club’, learn about the ways to apply for its membership.
  2. Opt for group riding- once you become a member of a particular club, go for riding in groups. You get to enjoy great views and also the company of your fellow riders during the trips.
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Rules of riding safely

  • Follow road instructions and rules.
  • Pay proper attention to what is happening around you and then drive accordingly.
  • Be polite to the drivers.
  • Do not weave through traffic.
  • Abide by the local traffic laws.
  • Keep your bike speed under the limit, even when you are racing on regular streets.
  • Do not be intoxicated in any form while you are bike riding.
  • Never forget to wear protective gear on your hands.

Pointers ongoing for adventure rides

  1. Position your foot in the attacking state. Maintain proper angle between your toes and ankles while balancing your motorbike.
  2. In order to gas-up off the roads, you can consider hovering over your brakes and clutch while facing obstacles.
  3. Remember not to cramp your arms while controlling brakes, throttle, and clutch. To avoid sudden arm cramps during bike rides, you may exercise a little prior to your ride. Make your grip and hand movements flexible so as to ease your muscles during the ride.
  4. Conquer bull-dust, mud, and sand like a pro.

However, if you are riding on rocky surfaces, take extra care. Release your foot and rise up your seat occasionally, while balancing your bike.

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