Why We Need International Yoga Day?

International Yoga Day

21st June marks World International Yoga Day and it is time we all recognize the goodness of this physical activity. Yoga is not only a form of exercise that helps you lose weight or stay fit. It is one of those activities that keep you mentally stable. Most people facing mental health issues are suggested to include practices of yoga and meditation for quick recovery. Here, we will share you why this day is important through the benefits of yoga.

Benefits of yoga asanas

If you’ve also been a victim of choosing among exercises, you’ve definitely asked yourself if you should join yoga classes or a gym. While the best way is to keep as many options open as you can, you should know the benefits of each. On one end, you can’t skip strength training as it builds your core and you also can’t skip yoga as you need flexibility too. Here, let’s find out the benefits of yoga and the essence of international yoga day.

1. Benefits to the body, spirit, and mind

Yoga makes you tone your body and while it does it that, it helps you truly be in a moment and feel it. It infuses your spirit with positivity and you have all the good vibes you need. Gym workout primarily focuses on improving your physicality, but yoga treats your body and mind.

2. Yoga works internally and externally

Yoga makes you twist, fold and stretch your body. It is a great practice to keep up your digestive health, lymph, and circulatory system. It is an amazing way to go through detox and improve your cardiovascular health. You might think it doesn’t work on your muscles as much it would as the gym, but that’s wrong. Gym workout often looks more realistic as the results come out clearly. But yoga strengthens your core even if it doesn’t yield biceps.

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3. Helps you accept yourself

Yoga makes you believe that you’re perfect just how you are even with all that goes through your mind. Yoga is a step towards self-improvement and acceptance. From gym classes to boot camp style classes, there can be times when you aren’t able to do an exercise and that hurts your conscience. Yoga helps you work on your body gradually and helps you push your limit towards flexibility with time.

4. Yoga makes you focus on yourself

There are many yoga studios that don’t have mirrors as they force you to think about your body rather than looking at it. It makes you feel every muscle and limb, and how you make them stretch. Gym class mirrors make many of us worry and look at people around. While yoga lets you concentrate on yourself and your growth.

5. Yoga makes you lean

Yoga helps you become lean as it stretches your muscles to strengthen them. Your body starts looking leaner. If you hit the gym and train your muscles, you will bulk up. But it is different when you do yoga. While most men want to have a muscular appearance, women are keener to look lean with yoga practices. However, men should also try yoga to maintain flexibility.

6. You can do it anywhere

Although having a calm environment or being amidst nature can help you concentrate better. But you can literally do yoga anywhere you can concentrate. You don’t have to hit the gym and take the extra time and effort to travel. If you know the asanas you learned at the yoga studio, you can do it at home. Yoga only needs you to work on your body and doesn’t require weights or equipment. A yoga mat is all you can need and some quietness will give you the perfect space.

7. Yoga is kind to your body

Yoga is intense but it is kind to your body. It does build up heat in your muscles but it doesn’t need you to lift weights that can cause injury. The exercise postures make you move your body in ways you haven’t tried before. It helps you attain a level of flexibility and promote strength when you can hold the posture for some time.

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8. Eases pain and aches

While exercising at the gym makes your body ache, yoga helps you stretch the muscles and open energy channels for the body. It improves your flexibility and makes your joints and muscles healthy. A gym can make your body sore, have injuries, and you need a recovery period after that. Yoga doesn’t hurt you until take an extreme step that your body is unable to balance.

9. Easier to breathe

At times of stress, we forget what it is like to relax and breathe. We don’t realize that many times we swallow our breath. It is essential to take deep breaths and think clearly even when you’re fatigued. Yoga is the perfect solution to such circumstances and can help your mind normalize.

10. Yoga is soothing

Once you go through a session of yoga, you have a sense of relaxation. You don’t feel grumpy, angry, or have negative thoughts. The overall intention helps you release tension all through your body and mind.

11. Reduces stress

Most yoga sessions include meditation or practice a Savasana regularly. This helps you get rid of a clear mind block. With regular practice, you can overcome a difficult situation and reduce stress levels. Many times, loud music at a gym cannot give you a sense of relaxation that you need. You should incorporate yoga to experience the reverse phenomenon.

12. Improves concentration

Yoga helps you focus on your breath and your posture. It helps you stay distracted from what’s happening outside and can even tune out your mind. Yoga encourages silence and that helps you build better focus. Many people who lack steady concentration are recommended to add yoga in their daily lives.

Final thoughts

No matter how old you are, you can practice yoga. It is one of the best ways to fight ailments that range from Parkinson’s to cancer. Yoga is the best form for many people because of its therapeutic qualities. This also another place where gyms lack and that makes us appreciate world yoga day a little more.