Reasons why children must learn ice hockey

Ice hockey

If you’re reading this, you probably know that hockey is one of the most undisputed sports on existing on this planet. You might be gearing up to watch Ice hockey world championships 2019 or wish to take up the sport yourself – we’re here to tell you what makes hockey incredible.

If you’re a parent looking for the perfect sport to enroll your kids in, ice hockey can be the ideal option to consider. You might be considering field hockey vs ice hockey but here we’d tell you why ice hockey is more fun.

Why encourage kids to play ice hockey?

Check out the most legit reasons why ice hockey can be the perfect sports for your kid to learn:

1. It is played on ice

Playing on ice is definitely cool to start with. It is a sport that your children will take an interest in as it seems fun. Most other sports are played on solid ground and ice hockey gives you a different exposure.

Moreover, it also involving skating so that means you must first learn the skill to stake and then take up the sport. The activity needs a lot of learning and can be time-consuming for most. But it will definitely be worth every bit!

2. Makes you keep up with the pace

Hockey needs speed and you’re constantly on your toes trying to make the best impact. A child needs to first learn ice hockey skates, be absolutely sure of the moves, and then attempt the game.

The action in hockey is almost nonstop, so there is no delay when a new play is called and there is no time wasted for a pitcher to throw the ball. It then continues to fast dribble and that makes every player stay alert of every move.

Ice hockey improves cognitive skills in children as they’re quick at skating, shooting, hitting, and even flying. Now add that up with getting the body smashed against a glass! Does sound intense, right? Initially, every hockey player goes through tough times and physical challenges, but with time they come out stronger.

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3. Physically challenging

Almost every sport is challenging and demands physical strain for kids and adults alike. However, ice hockey is the next level because of the skating part too. Both hockey and football are quick-paced action games. It also makes a game more interesting and makes a player challenge themselves constantly.

4. Makes a player tougher

As per ice hockey rules, the players constantly get hit with sticks and pucks but have to keep on playing. They might face stitches on their face and then again put back to playing the game. Although such toughness is followed by professionals, the game in an overall makes people stronger. Many players continue the game with fractured fingers and broken noses.

It is essential to use quality ice hockey equipment like helmets and knee padding. No matter how tough you are, the game takes things to another level.

5. Power plays

Every ice hockey game that involves power play becomes interesting to everyone. The players become more desperate to not allow the puck in the net and the audience cannot wait to see how that happens.

Players dive on the ice to make sure they block the slap shots and it makes them stake quicker. Power plays are extremely intense and help a learner deal with excitement and anxiety.

6. Team play

Ice hockey is a great game to help your kids understand the importance of teamwork. Being in a team with more players gives kids a chance to learn about how teams can come together and work towards a similar goal. Passing, encouraging, communicating, with other kids help all of them socialize better and enhance team spirit.

7. Helps deal with anxiety

As ice hockey is a face-paced game, and a learner needs to always be aware of his next move. Initially, the game can make him anxious, but with time it helps fight such a mental condition. There will be failures, penalties, bad scores, and injuries. But these are all ways to help a child improve in the game. It helps every coach give the child time to understand and respond to different situations and reduce anxiety.

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8. Work ethic

Hockey players develop an amazing work ethic that they apply in every professional path. Ice hockey typically takes 50-80 minutes per game and players are taught how to make the best use of it. They need to skate hard as soon as the coach blows the whistle.

9. Team building

Kids get an opportunity to play for tournaments and allow players to spend time together. They all know each other better and spend quality time at the rinks, hotels, and restaurants. It is essential for every team to bond well as it shows in the field.

10. Friendship

Teams that play well start growing great chemistry. Every player enjoys each other’s company and becomes great friends. They start developing a strong bond and that lasts really long. It is one of the best ways to reflect good teamwork on the field.

11. Competitiveness

Even though a team works together, every player is competitive in their own way. Every win and loss are a valuable experience that takes a player up one level after another. Even 10-12-year-old players know the value of competitiveness. It is the only way they realize that it is essential to get ahead in life.

12. It is a tradition

Hockey is one of the sports in America with a long history and tradition. Learning this sport as a kid will make you take the legacy forward. Most kids in Northern America and Canada informally play ice hockey by a frozen lake. If they want to take it ahead, they soon escalate to indoor rinks and play in a more organized way.

Final thoughts

It is now time for you to look out for places to learn the sport. Simply type ice hockey near me on the search engine and get relevant results. Note that you need to first learn how to skate well and then only you can try playing ice hockey. If you don’t manage to learn skating, try to learn field hockey instead.